[Date changed] Business and Languages in Emerging Markets Symposium on April 19 (free to students and faculty)

Entrepreneurial, philanthropic, and traditional careers involving LCTLS & grant writing workshop


The Center for Language Instruction and Coordination (CLIC) is pleased to announce the second biennial Business and Languages in Emerging Markets Symposium to take place on Thursday, April 19 2018, from 9:00am to 3:00pm, in Lucy Ellis Lounge.

This interdisciplinary symposium brings together instructors, business professionals, and students to explore the role that languages and language learning play in emerging markets. The symposium will consist of a workshop, a keynote lecture, a networking event with business professionals that have ties to international markets, and a student panel discussion. Our workshop facilitator and keynote speaker this year is Steven Sacco, who is Professor Emeritus at San Diego State University. In the grant writing workshop, he will introduce you to the elements of proposal writing for all types of resource mobilization: grants, contracts, gifts, and low-interest loans and discuss the four key questions for any proposal and the 3 key strategies to ensure future funding. His keynote lecture, entitled “Entrepreneurial, philanthropic, and traditional careers involving LCTLS,” will feature careers via three short case studies: (1) a student of Arabic at Georgetown's School of Foreign Service, (2) a senior manager at the UN's World Food Program in Tunisia and Morocco, and (3) a professor of languages who left academia to become a social entrepreneur with clients in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. In the address, the speaker will also discuss the key skills identified by each professional and the road taken to pursue each career.


The schedule of the symposium will be as follows:

9:00 – 10:30        Grant writing workshop

11:00 – 12:00      Keynote Lecture

12:00 – 1:00        Lunch

1:00 – 2:00          Event with business professionals

2:00 – 3:00          Student Panel Discussion

The symposium is co-sponsored by CLACS, CEAPS, REEEC, CLIC, the Department of Linguistics, and the Department of Spanish & Portuguese.

This event is free and open to students and faculty. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Registration is required, even if you plan to attend only some of the sessions. Please register here.

https://goo.gl/forms/uv6CSkuuY8NYSaDW2 <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__goo.gl_forms_uv6CSkuuY8NYSaDW2&d=DwMFAg&c=Y6HT0gyZH_Z4ZSRJdNYJeQ&r=o6Ju3tW-2EtGrtjmcKqwqGlNOFrkT79cKUf7z59OInY&m=dg54VHs-fXtFZAt2xhiwzAYPCsjzIhZa967pkKKhOsA&s=JS874s431gBbmUELl48aY-xaUVsvapf4RJfGBrqajgc&e=>




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